It's amazing to me how life has been changing...I've just recovered from the whole college to "real life" transition and now I'm about to pick up and change again. All good changes, things I've been waiting for what seems like FOREVER!
The closest change at hand would have to be gaining a nephew, My wonderful sister and her husband have decided to adopt and the baby is due any minute. Normally parents have 9 months to prepare, Holly and Ben will have just over 9 days-whew! What a blessing to be waiting for, we just can't wait to hold this little boy in our arms!
Next on the list will be Craig's graduation from A&M and acceptance to Med School. You may wonder why this is such a big change for me, and well, I'm going with him. As much as I love my new job and apartment in Dallas, I'm so ready to live in the same town as him! I'm not going to go into too much detail because his match day is still a week and a half away. Once its all finalized, be prepared to hear about it all!
These changes (as well as a few others I havn't mentioned) seem so close and exciting, but I have to admit, my days are dragging by. The closer we get, the slower time gets. I am just so ready to hold Baby P and not have a long distance relationship. The exciting part about living alone is wearing off fast and is getting lonlier than ever.
On that note, be prepared to hear from me a lot more, I have a feeling that I will have alot to write about in the upcoming months. I'm on the brink of it all, so close to what I've wanted for a very long time-now all I have to do is hurry up and wait.